Flu Vaccinations – It isn’t too late to get protected!

Our flu vaccination programme is coming to an end at the beginning of March. In the meantime, we are still offering flu vaccinations. Any patients who are eligible and have not had their vaccine during the Autumn/Winter 2024/25 campaign can still receive it. It isn’t too late to get protected! Flu infection rates are still

Contact us online. Get help from your GP with our online consultation service.

Patient Feedback and Complaints

We always welcome feedback about our Practice and services we provide. Your feedback is extremely important to us as it helps us to see what we are doing well at and areas for improvement.


For more information on how to make a complaint and our process, please see our dedicated page by clicking HERE or using the link below.


We welcome all feedback on things we are doing well within the practice and also welcome your suggestions on how we can improve. If you have any suggestions, these can be sent by filling out a Klinik form and using the General enquiries/update your details/compliments and complaints tile.

How else do we receive feedback?

TAP – Thanks and Praise

THANK AND PRAISE is committed to creating a more positive world where giving and receiving thanks is the norm not the exception by making it easier to thank the Unsung Heroes in Healthcare, Social Care and Education.

Thanking is a simple yet positive action that hugely benefits both the recipient and the giver of thanks. We believe that by enabling members of the public to quickly and easily thank, we can end the culture of complaining and replace it with one of thanking it and showing appreciation. It’s a big dream but one we are determined to fulfil.

To register and to send messages of thanks is quick and easy (it literally takes a minute) and users can do so via almost any digital channel. The aim is to reduce barriers to sending messages of thanks (barriers like not knowing the contact details of the person you want to thank, or not having the address of the organisation, or not having time to post a card or say thanks in person). Through the THANK AND PRAISE platform all you need is one minute, the name of the person you want to thank and where they work and away you go!

The public Thanking Walls can be viewed here Healthcare/NHS Thanking Wall – Thank and Praise search ‘Adam Practice’ or see below a snapshot of the Thanks we have received.

Click here for how to download the app TAP Mobile App – Thank and Praise

“While we see ourselves as simply doing our job, many of my NHS colleagues are under tremendous pressure at the moment so it’s great to see how much the public appreciate what we are doing to keep them safe. Thank & Praise is the perfect place to share their positive messages of support,” Clare Mechen, Nurse Manager, The Adam Practice.

Listen to Clare Mechen, Nurse Manager at The Adam Practice discuss the Thanks and Praise platform on the radio.

The Thank and Praise Blog can be viewed here: Blog – Thank and Praise

Letters of Appreciation

Letters or emails can be addressed to the Patient Liaison Officer or any of the Doctors, and are always appreciated. Please drop them into reception or our letterbox or see our submit a Klinik form under ‘General enquiries/update your details/compliments and complaints’.

Friends and Family Test

The NHS want you to have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review and improve our service to you.

“How likely are you to recommend our GP Practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?”

Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience — what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.

Find out more about Friends and Family Test

GP Patient Survey

The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over two million people across England. The results show how people feel about their GP practice.

Access the latest report for our Practice