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Studies at Dorset Research Hub


This study will be run at 13 NIHR-supported research sites in England, and a site in Wales, and is being led by University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust and locally study recruitment is taking place at The Dorset Research Hub at Bournemouth Hospital.

Young adults have a stronger immune response to vaccines than older adults. Results from COVID-19 vaccine studies have suggested lower doses of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines may give as good an immune response in young adults as higher doses. Lower doses may also be linked with fewer side effects or lower rates of already rare adverse events.

Using lower doses could allow existing stocks of vaccines to be given to more people, which is important while the need for vaccines is greater than the number of doses available globally.

Participants to the COV-BOOST study will be randomly selected to receive one of the following doses:

– A single dose of Pfizer (currently used in the UK booster programme)
– One third of a single Pfizer dose (currently recommended for 5 – 11 years old in the UK)
– A half Moderna dose (currently used by the NHS as a 3rd dose booster)
– One quarter of a single Moderna dose

The NIHR-supported study is looking for volunteers who are:

– between 18 to 30 years old
– have had two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, with at least 3 months (84 days) since their second dose
– have not received a booster

People who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past, and have had their second vaccine, can also take part in the study.

All participants will be monitored throughout the study for any potential side effects and will have bloods taken to measure their immune responses on the day of their first visit and then two weeks, one month, three months and eight months following vaccination.


CLOSED to recruitment.

For further information:


Summary of study

This clinical research study is evaluating an investigational vaccine in the prevention of a bloodstream infection caused by a bacteria called E. coli which can cause urinary tract infections.

The purpose of the E.mbrace Study is to determine if the investigational vaccine is safe and effective.

In this study, participants who are eligible will be randomly assigned to receive either the investigational vaccine or placebo, given as a single injection. A placebo vaccine contains no  active drug but will look exactly like the investigational vaccine. Total participation in this study will last approximately 3 years, which includes a minimum of 8 study visits, some in person and some remote via telephone.

To be eligible for this study, you must:

  • Be 60 years of age or older
  • Have had a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the past 2 years
  • Feel comfortable, or have a caregiver who is comfortable using an application on a smartphone


Open to recruitment.

Lead research staff contacts for this study

Nicki Lakeman, Senior Research Nurse

If you are interested in learning more about this study, please contact Nicki or one of the research team at The Dorset Research Hub on 0300 019 6685.

Principle Investigator/ Sub Principle Investigator for this study

Dr Patrick Moore

Additional information links/ hyperlinks

Moderna Booster Study

This study is assessing the efficacy and safety of one of the world’s first Omicron-specific COVID-19 variant vaccines.  The study will take place at multiple sites across England and Wales and Scotland, to test the vaccine manufactured by the biotechnology company Moderna Inc.

The study is being led by a team based at St George’s, University of London, and will see nearly 3,000 participants receive a first or second booster.

Locally we will be running this study at the Dorset Research Hub located at Bournemouth Hospital.

Half of the volunteers will receive a Moderna Omicron variant vaccine and the other half vaccinated with the commonly used standard Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (Spikevax).

It is the first commercially sponsored Moderna vaccine trial to take place in the UK and one of the first studies globally assessing the effectiveness of a fourth COVID-19 dose, however it is also recruiting people who are yet to receive their first booster dose – those who have received just two primary doses.

Participants will need to have not tested positive for COVID-19 since the beginning of November 2021 and had their last vaccine at least three months prior to joining the study.

Volunteers from 16 years old and above will be randomly selected to each arm of the study, and blinded to which they receive, with the study looking to evaluate the immune response and safety of the variant jab.

To find out if you are eligible to join the study, visit the


OPEN to recruitment.