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Contraceptive Services inc. Vasectomies

Contraceptive Services – Pill, Injection, Implant, Coil etc.

The practice offers a range of contraceptive options including Long Active Reversible Contraception (LARC) such as Implants and Coils. Depending on waiting times, you may also wish to contact Sexual Health Dorset to find out how to make an appointment with them.

More information is coming soon.


More information on vasectomy NHS information for patients referred to our Vasectomy clinic:

The Adam practice has a long history of performing non-scalpel vasectomies in the community. Our two vasectomy doctors (Dr Webb and Dr Blaszczyk) are both highly experienced and have performed over 6000 vasectomies between them.

We now perform vasectomies in our specially equipped minor surgery suite at our Lifeboat Quay site, just opposite Poole Railway station. We perform these both for our own patients and receive referrals from other GPs all over Dorset.  

All patients undergoing this procedure are provided with further background information to read and digest and booked for an initial counselling/pre-assessment consultation with a clinician, at which time their personal circumstances are discussed as well as the risks/alternatives/and potential irreversibility of the procedure.  This is a good opportunity to ask the surgical team any questions prior to coming in for the procedure.

The short procedure is carried out in sterile conditions and after careful administration of local anaesthetic.  Patients are able to go home shortly after, avoiding driving that day, and strenuous activity for the following week.

The next step is to arrange to submit a semen sample at least 12 weeks after the procedure to check the procedure has been a success before stopping contraception.  We will let patients know directly in writing when it is safe to abandon contraception- often only one sample is required but there are times when repeat sampling is recommended.


Q: How do I request a vasectomy?

A: If you are registered with The Adam Practice, you can submit a Klinik form using the Minor Surgery tab or speak to your GP.

If you are not registered with The Adam Practice, please speak to your GP who will be able to refer you.

Q: How long does the procedure take?

A: The procedure appointments are 25 minutes.

Q: What happens after the procedure?

A: You will need to arrange transport home as you will not be able to drive. We recommend avoiding strenuous activity for the rest of the week.

Q: When can I go back to work after my procedure?

A: If your work is not physical, patients are usually able to return within 2/3 days. If your work is physical, please be prepared to take a week off work. (Please note that times are only given as a general guide and will vary from patient to patient. This can be discussed further during your initial pre-procedure appointment).