Flu Vaccinations – It isn’t too late to get protected!

Our flu vaccination programme is coming to an end at the beginning of March. In the meantime, we are still offering flu vaccinations. Any patients who are eligible and have not had their vaccine during the Autumn/Winter 2024/25 campaign can still receive it. It isn’t too late to get protected! Flu infection rates are still

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Test Results and Referrals

How can I access my test results?

The quickest and easiest way to access your test results is online using the NHS App, which can be downloaded for Android or iOS or using online services such as SystmOnline

If you do not have access to online services, you can register online HERE. Alternatively, you can submit a Klinik form via our website or you can telephone/pop into reception. We would like you to telephone for results after 1:00pm

Please note we won't generally contact you if your results have come back as 'normal and no further action required'.

The receptionists are empowered to give results over the telephone; however the doctor may have indicated the wish to discuss results with you, in which case you will be offered a telephone consultation.

Please note, it may take 5-7 working days before your test results are available.

Results will only be given to the patient themselves, unless:

  • the patient is under 14 years of age or
  • the individual has given express agreement or
  • the practice is notified that the patient has a Carer who will be responsible for obtaining results for the patient

You will be asked for some personal details when calling to confirm your identity.

If the test was arranged by your hospital consultant
If your test has been carried out at a Clinic or Hospital please call the Clinic or Hospital for the result, as we cannot action tests which have been requested by other Clinicians outwith the practice. If the consultant’s secretary or colleague inform you they will send the results to your GP, explain that you want the results from the specialist who arranged them who is in by far the best place to give appropriate advice.


All specimens must be provided in a suitable container and marked clearly with name, date of birth, date provided and reason for the specimen.

Failure to do so may mean that the test will need to be repeated – Please note that when bringing in a sample to the surgery, only samples in the correct container can be accepted. These are available from reception.